Current Newsletter

Current Newsletter

Kindergarten News

May 31-June 3

We read the poem “Chores” by Tim Rasinski this week.  We wrote about chores and jobs that we have to help out at home.

Ava- My chores are to make my bed and I help with the dishes.

Delaney- My chores are put my clothes in the washer and clean the house.

Drew- My chore is cleaning in the living room.

Alayna- My chore is cleaning my dog.

Cali- My chore is to help my mom clean my bed.

Aidan- Chores. My mom says I can wash the dishes.

Maddy – My chore is to clean my room.Ian- My chore is to make my bed.

Gabby- absent

Week of May 23-27

Reading-.  We read the poem “Chores.”  We played a game called “Odd Word Out”.  We had to find the word that did not fit with the other words.  For example, “chore, mother, store”, chore and store rhymed and they can be paired together.  We played word match using rhymes from the poem and writing them on note cards and also rhymes that we thought of on our own.  Then we made our own word match looking for the matches for our rhymes.  We had Readers Chair to practice our graduation poems. We are so excited to have our moment to share a poem by ourselves! We had Word Work and worked in our Reading Stations this week. In Small Groups we practiced summarizing our stories and finding words with similar sounds and spelling patterns.

 Writers Workshop and Phonics- This week in Writers Workshop we have been preparing the writing portion of our Kindergarten Scrap book by writing answers to memory book questions.

 Math- In Math this week we learned about basic fractions.  We looked for ½ and ¼ of a figure and colored the figure based on the fraction directions.  We explored problem solving trying to draw the other half of a symmetrical figure and the other fourths of a symmetrical figure.  We had our Cumulative Review and our Practice Test.  We will take our very last test for Chapter 8 next week Monday.  We will spend the remainder of the year reviewing the Math skills we have learned this week.

 P.E. /Yoga– In P.E. this week we have been reviewing our games from the past year. We had Yoga on Fridays due to graduation practice and had “kids choice” Yoga time.

 Health- We discussed ways to help our bodies.  We specifically discussed going to the doctor and how important shots and check ups are to keep us healthy. 

Spanish- In Spanish we worked on combining the Spanish words we know into sentences and speaking full sentences in Spanish using “Me gusta.”

 Music- We used tambourines to sing along to “Joy to the World All the Boys and Girls!”

 Story Time- We finished reading Ramona The Brave by Beverly Cleary.  To review the story we drew pictures to show one of the ways Ramona was brave in the story.  She was brave in many different situations and we chose our favorite one to illustrate and share with the class.

 Science- We are finishing up our unit called From Seed to Plant.  We will take our plants home next week and test on this unit the last week of school.  We explored leaves on Monday and looked at all the different shapes and sizes of the leaves on our plants.  We noticed the corn leaf was long and skinny while the pinto bean had almost triangle leaves.  We looked for the veins on the leaves and learned that the leaves make the food for the plant.  The leaves take in sunlight, water and the roots bring the nutrients from the soil up the stem to the leaves so the leaves can make food. We drew pictures of our plants leaves as well as 2 of our friend’s plants leaves.  On Wednesday we reviewed what is needed to care for plants and updated our growth charts showing how our plants have changed.

 Social Studies- We finished are working on our Family unit.  We have discussed ways families are alike and different as well as how families have their own everyday routines.  In those everyday routines each family has something special that they enjoy doing together.  We shared these different family interactions.  We discussed family celebrations for graduations, weddings, birthdays, holidays etc.  We discussed how things have changed from then to now by discussing how life is different for us then it was for our grandparents when they were younger.  

 Art-   On Monday we worked on our From Seed to Plant books drawing in Art.  On Tuesday we drew pictures to illustrate a time when Ramona was brave in our chapter book.  On Wednesday we made our graduation invitations.  On Thursday we had our weekly Creation Station and Friday our Easel Painting.

 Reminders and Updates:

·         Drew is our snack helper May 31-June 3.

·         May Stars of the Month- Alayna and Ian·         Last day of school June 9th. We close a day later than the public school. (public school closes June 8th) Attendance this day is optional please let us know if your child will not be attending that day. We will make sure to pack up school supplies and art projects on June 8th so students who will not be attending the 9th will be ready for summer vacation. June 9th will be more of a fun activity day.

·         Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten Graduation is June 7th at 3:15, outside on the play ground.

·         No school May 30th for Memorial Day.

·         Classroom Website:

·         Email- 

 Happy Memorial Day! Mrs. Lindberg